Hello! I’m a physical oceanographer. I’m broadly intrested in the fluid dynamics of the ocean and how physical ocean processes affect the biogeochemical cycles and climate of the Earth.

I currently work with Dr. Jacob Wenegrat as a postdoctoral reasearcher at the University of Maryland College Park. My present research projects use turbulence-resolving simulations to investigate multi-scale interactions among submesoscale processes, Langmuir circulation, and boundary layer turbulence. This work will provide physical understanding to inform new parameterizations of the vertical exchange between surface mixed layer and ocean interior in large-scale ocean circulation and climate models.

I received my PhD in Oceanography from the University of Washington working with Dr. Ramsey Harcourt and Dr. Eric D’Asaro. My PhD research projects used observations to quantify the effects of Langmuir turbulence on turbulence scaling in ocean surface boundary layers.


I’m always open to collaboration and connecting with fellow researchers. If you believe our work might overlap or have ideas you’d like to explore, please feel free to reach out via email!